Tahun 2011 adalah tahun yang benar-benar mencabar kewibawaan ketahanan diri daripada KELETIHAN. Sangat PENAT..tersangat. Bayangkan; bekerja di syarikat swasta yang tinggi disiplin (Perlombongan), waktu kerja dari jam 7.30 pagi sehingga 5.30 petang (Isnin-Jumaat) dan ada ketika balik lewat sejam dua.
Manakala apabila hujung minggu, hari sabtu atau petang jumaat selepas kerja naik ke Kuala Lumpur (2 hours driving approx). Hari sabtu kelas dari pukul 2 petang hingga pukul 6 atau 7 petang (Direct class non-stop). Hari Ahad, kelas dari pukul 8 pagi sehingga pukul 2 petang. Itu lah rutin ku hampir 4 tahun ini, setiap minggu tiada henti.
Mula-mula dulu, 'melepek' a.k.a penat bukan kepalang. Hanya Allah SWT sahaja tahu bagaimana rasanya. Tetapi sekarang, jika tiada aktiviti (study/class) pasti seperti cacing kepanasan. Rasa penat pula bila duduk diam tidak berbuat apa-apa.
Dalam tempoh 4 tahun tersebut terpaksa menghadkan aktiviti sosial (jumpa-jumpa) dengan kawan-kawan, dan jika ada yang tidak memahami terpaksa I ignored them. If they said "Wah, busy mengalahkan menteri" and would say "YER. I NEED MY SUCCESS AND I NEED MY PRIDE AND GLORY" (Sarcastic words).
There is one time bila mana, waktu sangat terhad..terpaksa juggling urusan kerja (required me to travel to Putrajaya, Embassy, SSM, LHDN) and in between I got an exam in the next day or 2 day after. Business matter need me to come back to office (Head to KL in the early morning and going back late in the evening). Then rushing back to KL the next day for examination. Soo tiring. Tetapi bila penat melampau, badan letih, otak pun letih, ketahanan emosi pun tidak stabil maka..possibility untuk MARAH adalah tinggi kepada perkara-perkara yang tidak releven atau orang-orang yang bertindak tidak releven dengan keadaan. (Never ever want to see me in a VERY BAD BAD MOOD especially keadaan MARAH kerana SANGAT tidak boleh handle a.k.a I DON'T CARE WHO YOU ARE...& the fire from dragon mouth will be a disaster to whoever receive it).
Furthermore, I am very Independant woman. I am driving myself all alone. There is no fear for me. As long as every matters that currently need to be done must be perfect!! But, for conclusion...I really enjoyed travelling. I really enjoyed being busy all the time. I really enjoyed what I am doing currently. I really enjoyed my works. I really enjoyed myself so much even there are NO TIME for myself. Maybe can be indicates as a CAREERWOMAN!!
Bagi I simple, sejauh mana usaha, ketekunan, hardworking, penat dan ikhlas tersemat di dalam hati PASTI akan ada BENEFIT atau KEUNTUNGAN pada masa akan datang. Pasti ada GANJARAN yang ALLAH SWT berikan pada umatnya. GANJARAN daripada COMPANY off course in term of MONEY... :)
Thursday, 20 October 2011
Wednesday, 21 September 2011
Enduring the moment of my life!
I have to endure every moment of my life and every single path that suddenly appears without notice. Life is really unpredictable. Life never ever let you go freely but always something impliedly entangle in between.
Time Will Continue To Tick By
by Catherine Pulsifer
by Catherine Pulsifer
There isn't a day that goes by that we all suffer from the same loss, and that is the loss of time. Some people expect that time will stand still so that they don't have to worry about adapting to change. Change, however, progresses with each passing minute, and those who think that they have plenty of time to alter their habits, change their behaviors, or learn new skills find themselves behind the proverbial eight ball. Time waits for no one.
Time is also one of the commodities that we can not buy back; we can not exchange anything we possess to trade for time that has been wasted or squandered. For those who bemoan that they don't have the time to pursue new training, develop new skills, take steps to put in play an action that can help them move forward to capture a life long dream have no realization of how much time they waste. For some, it is much easier to sit in front of the T.V. day in and day out rather than to put in the effort to use this time to create something that will pay off for them in the future. What is it about those people who seem to get more done, or participate in volunteer organizations, or contribute energy to helping others develop skills outside of their normal working hours? It is simply the ability to organize their available time in such a way that they can accomplish what they need to or want to.
You've probably heard the old adage that if you want to get something done ask a person who is busy. Why, because they know how to effectively use their time in the most efficient manner. Effective use of time, I should clarify, is different than the efficient use of time. How? Here's a simple answer. The person who watches T.V. is effectively using up time to engage in leisure activity, but the person who uses the same amount of time to study to advance their knowledge is using time efficiently. Both these people use the same amount of time, but what is accomplished is much different.
Time isn't your enemy - you are if you continue to squander your available time when you could be taking advantage of it to help you fulfill a dream.
Qoutes about TIME
"But time growing old teaches all things" ~Aechylus
"I want to go ahead of Father Time with a Scythe of my own" ~H.G.Wells
"Lost time is never found again" ~Benjamin Franklin
"Lose not yourself in far off time, seize the moment that is thine" ~Friedrich Schiller
Tuesday, 20 September 2011
Why I choose ‘this’ name on this BLOG?
I loved the pronunciation, the meaning and the history behind it either in Hebrew, Tiberian, Greek or Arabic but I do more appreciated the meaning of my real name as ‘Golden Light’ as in Arabic meaning.
~I am welcomed myself for my first post for this new blog of mine~
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