Sunday, 27 May 2012


Dear, what's going on here? Please stop the addicting syndrome! Why you like...opps LOVE COACH soo much? Please give a SOLID reasons.

I am not into gadgets...I think it is normal to LOVE this kind of things. Either you able to buy it or not. Depend on your budget. I am into fashion. I LOVE fashions. I LOVE HANDBAGS.

And now I expended my desire of COACH to my brother. I shared my ideology with my brother about current brands and beauty.  And previously I showed him the COACH for MEN. He has a very razor-sharped eyes on finest items. Previous outing in Suria KLCC with him impressed by his taste on watch. But still not his ability to buy it yet. Work, earn your own money then you can grab it.

Actually I always surveys in COACH.COM. I have noticed new designs coming out. OMG. I wish I am a millionaire. But I think later on maybe not COACH, maybe PRADA, LV or GUCCI. When you have an amount of money (BIG AMOUNT) rarely you stick to old things. Trust me on this. Your desire will be beyond. The main issue here how you control your money wisely.

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

STUDY LOG: Adult Learning ~Kembara ke Kem Anugerah Alam Sungai Batang Si, Semenyih~

Place : Kem Anugerah Alam Sungai Batang Si Semenyih
Date : 12th - 13th May 2012 (Saturday and Sunday)
Participants : 30 pax (8 Groups) 

Perjalanan Kami (Pelajar UTM SPACE ~HRD~) bermula pada pukul 12.30 tengahari di UTM KL (International campus). Perjalanan I dari Kuala Lipis ke Kuala Lumpur bermula 8.30 pagi dan reach Wangsa Maju pada pukul 10.00 pagi (Laju benor pecut nyer...)
Subject Adult Learning (Pembelajaran Dewasa) so...memang semua ADULT yang pergi untuk program ini. TEAMBUILDING untuk diri kami sendiri...yang penting nak dapat (A).
I memang excited sangat sebab dah lama benar tak ber-aktiviti sebegini...lagi-lagi masuk hutan. I memang kaki LASAK...dan dengar cerita ada WATERFALL!!!
Kami menaiki bas yang kami sewa...setiba di tempat yang di tuju, agak mengejutkan kerana kemudian kami perlu menaiki LORI (Bukan 4WD ok!!) untuk masuk ke dalam. Kawasan ini katanya adalah hak milik persendirian beberapa VVIP. Soo...kami semua memang dah macam LEMBU naik LORI. Perjalanan kami memang mencabar kerana melalui tanah merah, berlekuk-lekuk. Memang experience yang sangat berharga. Dalam perjalanan ke tempat yang dituju...memang sangat INDAH. Alam semula jadi, kolam-kolam ikan, tasik buatan...(Thumbs up la)

Scroll down to see the photos....and few description on what are really happened there!!!

Ini adalah antara yang terlibat dengan TEAMBUILDING tersebut. PEACE!!! Ini gambar semasa akhir program. Happy dalam keadaan letih dan keinginan tinggi untuk balik sangat TINGGI.

Ini adalah lokasi pengambaran LANGBUANA SENARIO. Chalet Bamboo...
Suprise!!! Rumah yang kami tinggal adalah seperti di dalam gambar. Terkejut dengan rumah bamboo. Sejuk okay di waktu pagi. Nasib baik I bawa BANTAL (DUNLOPILLO & Selimut yang cosy). I ada je SLEEPING BAG...tetapi entah ke mana ku campak. Semasa zaman di UIA la...ada sebiji beg hiking, Sleeping Bag, Torch lite, pisau yang di beli di Hiking Outlet di Pertama Complex. Beratus juga habis tu.
Alas ku ketika ini hanya dengan kain, tiada tilam. 

 Siapa suka ride motorbike ni? I just ambil gambar...tetapi tak ride pun. Motorcross....
Ini adalah suasana dan pemandangan paling HEAVEN untuk aku. Air jernih. Sejuk. Virgin river ok. Tidak tercemar dengan apa-apa pun. Kata mereka di atas air terjun tempat di mana ikan KELAH LIAR. Untuk ke sana mengambil masa 2 jam berjalan kaki. Hurmmmm....tapi kami tidak berkesempatan untuk pergi. Tapi yang best...memang I seronok sangat mandi sungai. I ni alergik air sungai. Hingga selsema lah. Degil!!

Di sini adalah tempat di mana kami ber-BBQ malam itu. Selesai sahaja presentation setiap Group..kami ber-BBQ. Dapat juga merasa daging kijang.
Jambatan menuju ke HOTEL kami adalah ini. Air jernih. Nampak jelas ikan-ikan kecil. Seronok tengok. Campak je makanan, ligat mereka terkam. Air mandian kami adalah dari sumber SUNGAI. Tiada air bersih dari SYABAS atau JBA. Semula jadi sungguh. Tiada elektrik di sini yer. Mereka menggunakan GENSET sahaja. Dari 7malam hingga 7pagi GENSET akan dipasang. Paling TRAGIS....NO COVERAGE!!! Hanya ada CELCOM sahaja....huhu...I pakai MAXIS ok. Bila keluar je kawasan ni...berderet MISS CALLS. Memang terhindar sungguh dari TEKNOLOGI TERKINI. 
 Ini adalah dewan makan kami. Kami bersila sahaja. Makanan pun ala kadar je. Tidak lah macam di hotel. 
Kami perlu beratur mengambil makanan. 

Ok...ini cerita kena kan si BIRTHDAY GIRL. Yang menjadi mangsa adalah I. Huwahahaha...I kena berlakon. Kenapalah orang memilih saya?? Adoi. I pun tak tahu apa yang mereka planning ni. Tiba-tiba je kena panggil dengan trainer...disuruh I mengaku je apa yang mereka tuduh nanti. I pun memang try sehabis mungkin untuk berlakon. Serius buat muka naif habis. Tetapi dalam hati...habis la aku lepas ni. Siap si Birthday Girl disuruh keluar kem. Uih...
Ini program kami malam itu. Setiap group buat presentation. Tetapi di rakam untuk penilaian Dr. Roziana di UTM nanti. Ada 5 penilai yang hadir. Tak sabar nak tunggu CD keluar. Kami men-TEAMBUILDING diri kami sendiri. Kami sebagai TRAINER untuk diri kami sendiri. Pelbagai GAMES yang kami present. Memang having FUN pun. 
 Antara GAME yang kami perlu lakukan in a group. Yang penting semua bekerjasama untuk mendapatkan kami adalah A. Insyaallah.
Ini adalah antara jejaka yang ada. Program hari AHAD adalah untuk TRAINER LANGBUANA. (LANGBUANA TEAM PROFILE). I suka research profile orang. Tak sangka merka sangat BAGUS. Qualified TRAINER. Program kami hari itu adalah Water Obstacle & "Catch the FISH~TALAPIA~". Dalam 6 orang perlu terjun ke dalam kolam dan memegang JALA dan menangkap ikan. Jari ku luka kerana kena gigit dengan ikan talapia. Tetapi memang seronok. Dapat lah dalam 30 ekor ikan.
Water Obstacle adalah aktiviti menentang arus. Seronok sebab dalam sungai. Arus memang deras. This time  I terpaksa menanggalkan tudung sebab terasa RIMAS sangat. Terpaksa. Sebab selama ini pun jika ke sungai memang tudung hilang. 
Hendak di jadikan cerita..ada 1 lagi GAME MANAGEMENT di akhir sesi apabila kami semua sudah bersiap sedia untuk pulang. Mandi, berwangi-wangian....tetapi perlu lalui 1 lagi aktiviti. Ketika ini I memang dah FLAT sangat. Terbaring. Tetapi yang tidak mahu join aktiviti perlu di denda dengan aktiviti lain. 2 group lain melalui aktiviti GAME MANAGEMENT...kami yang tinggal beberapa orang ini perlu praktis menari. Lagu HINDUSTAN pulak tu. Diketuai oleh KAK MAS. Memang syok berjoget. Akhir-akhir kami tarik trainer-trainer untuk sama berjoget.
Ini lah dia PENGARAH URUSAN bagi LANGBUANA EDU & Recreational centre. Banyak betul sijil yang dia ada. Pernah mendaki Gunung Datuk, Gunung Stong, Gunung Nuang, Gunung Angsi, Gunung Ledang. Hopefully in the future after I grad, I will attain few of the certificates. Intention nak ambil sijil Diving, Sijil jurulatih pun nak ambil juga. Group untuk mendaki gunung pun dah ada tetapi cuma masa sahaja yang sangat TERHAD untuk aktiviti sebegini. 

PSST: PACAT & LINTAH I tak kisah. Dah biasa pun. Orang kampung. Masuk hutan, cari buluh, redah sungai...dah menjadi kebiasaan sejak kecil lagi...huhu

Tasik buatan yang sangat indah. Heaven nyer rasa. Jika ada rezeki akan datang...hendak juga memiliki private property seperti ini. (You'll never know...pasang impian dan biar jadi kenyataan)

Friday, 11 May 2012

WORKPLACE LOG: Annual Dinner 2011 ~Theme: GOLDEN NITE~ ~Journal II~

The theme supposed to be GOLD...all about GOLD...GOLD GOLD GOLD...clad in GOLD. Yellow colour but with a touch of LUXURY. SHINING!!!

Wait a minute...i have noticed a few things about me...myself. My FULL NAME means Golden Light, my father's name start with J...meaning as river (water flowing). I am working with a company that produce GOLD, the front name of the company is name also start with S...under a new management start with J. Playing around with ridiculous.....maybe it is just a coincident. But my deep instinct tell me something great in the future. Well, if it happens than ALHAMDULILLAH, SYUKUR NIKMAT. 


Enjoy the Photos below!!!
This my table. Join dengan Mining staffs... 

My fellow GOOD FRIENDS here in this company. All three is technical people and in Mining Field.
Miss Fiona (Sarawakian), Miss Chin (Ipoh mali), Miss El (Sabahan)....

Okay guy. This is crucial part of the event. I kena paksa menyanyi....tetapi apabila I review semula video...Oh my God (OMG)....serius ke laut kutub utara kutub selatan. Pitching lari habis. Memang tak sedap langsung. Adegan si lelaki (Sugar Daddy itu hanyalah lakonan)...Ini dalam keadaan tergelak...1 dewan gelak. Tetapi adegan ada 3 jejaka merebut Kecoh 1 dewan...ramai ambil gambar. Tak kisah la pitching lari least performance I give to them at least buat orang terhibur...tambahan lagi lakonan on the spot yang berlaku. 

Serius memang seronok dapat bunga. Ini tengah menyanyi tetapi TAHAN GELAK...terketar-ketar suara. 1 dewan bersorak...but enjoy. Yang penting open minded... We here in this company dah seperti 1 family besar. No BIG DEAL....

 Part dancing memang paling favourite. I rasa I lebih kepada entertainment BUT i don't want to go further. As a hobbies...YES...but as a CAREER WISE...NO. BIG BIG NO!!
Dancers ni menjemput few people je atas stage. But serius I am really CONFIDENT untuk berada atas stage. Maybe sudah terbiasa. Psst:...dulu semasa di UIAM I pernah jadi pengacara 1 majlis. (Pecah rahsia)

Happy FUN PHOTO SESSION. Aksi spontan kena TERBAIK. Well, we are having fun after hectic working hours. Grown up people that really know to have fun. Enjoice!!!

This shot bukan I yang adjust. Originally from them. Or maybe ini akan masuk dalam Photobook???
Not my face again!!!....Will fly to Jakarta GOD!!! But I like black and white photo. Classic. 

Boleh tak I kata kan, this photos antara orang-orang 'kuat' company. Opps!! But not me....hehehehe...I just normal layman...bekerja mencari rezeki.Moment with the new owner this Company. Pak Jimmy.

I LOVE Photo shoot. Always ada je aksi yang I suka buat. Always SMILE!!!

YES...again. Sorry to say this. But i've noticed that my FACE in both folder. Meaning both cameras. Opps...more than 130 ++ photos. Seperti I punya function pulak. Glamour betul malam tu. Tidak ada niat, tetapi dah orang nak ambil...ambil je la. Tiada siapa nak larang. 

So, kita akan tunggu ANNUAL DINNER 2012. Either I am still here in this company or working some where else. I do not know the future agenda. Just wait and see. This April 2012, genap 5 years I'm working here. Fuuhhh...Kesabaran telah membuahkan hasil...Insyaallah LUMAYAN. 

WORKPLACE LOG: Annual Dinner 2011~Theme: GOLDEN NITE~ ~Journal I~

Introduction about GOLD!!!
Gold is a dense, soft, shiny, malleable and ductile metal. Pure gold has a bright yellow colour and luster traditionally considered attractive. Gold is always symbolized as a luxury items as in form of Jewelry.

Why not for rough idea just click below link!

Tremendous years and Alhamdulillah I were destined working here in a mine site. The BIGGEST & LARGEST gold mine in Malaysia/Asia….even nobody really knows its existence. (Better I STOP the MAKE IT PUBLIC about this company...sorry. No more information here).

Balloons as an essential for every functions.

Our dinner that time is from MUALAF RAUB. One of the famous Chinese Muslim restaurant and the foods really superb!!!

Cabutan Bertuah!! This is a MUST activities. The prizes also superb. NO again for me this year, just hamper for entertainment (Singing)

Gamelan all the way from Maktab Perguruan Kuala Lipis, Pahang.

This band also local...

 This one i think from Kuantan or Kuala Lumpur. Professional dancers.

Classic...playing the violin.... 

The GRAND CEREMONY.....launching the Annual Dinner 2011.

The dancers performed all kind of genre'....based on our staff's background (Ethnic..Malay, Chinese, Indian,  Sabahan, Sarawakian)

PHOTOS: Originally from hired photographers (Company)....even the PHOTOBOOK still in progress. 

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

WORKPLACE LOG: Annual Dinner 2011.... Coming soon

Penjom Gold Mine now is under new MANAGEMENT. This new management really GOOD!!!
Opps, cannot say it out load because everything is PNC (Private and Confidential). Sorry guys. Work ethic is like that. By the way working in Human Resource make me ZIPP my mouth a lot. So many things you cannot disclose to OUTSIDER or INSIDER. It is in the POLICY itself. Remain professional.

Even though now in TRAINING SECTION (HR DEVELOPMENT) makes me to ZIPP everything "more". 

So, stay tune for future PHOTOS on Annual Dinner 2011. 

Psst: I just LOVE to see my FACE in it!! Either would it be again in Photobook???

Saturday, 5 May 2012

INFO LOG: Lets Talk about Career & Self Development!!

There two things to share with you guys!
1. How to make people admire you?
2. How to be successful in your career development?

To Make People Admire me....Want to Become a Role Model?Do you want to become a role model? Do you want people to admire you? Do you want to have fans?Most probably your answers were going to be yes. Everyone knows how it feels to be admired by others even if they haven’t experienced it before.It's always great to find people talking about your accomplishments and how great you are. Fortunately, like anything else in this world, there are rules that if followed can make people admire you easily.How to Make People Admire Me?

  • Show them that you have what they lack
    : People usually admire others who have what they don't have. A person lacking self-confidence will usually admire and become attracted to a confident person. The weak is attracted to the strong and the coward is attracted to the courageous. Your goal should be finding out what your friends (or anyone else you want to admire you) lack. Then you should try to show them that you have that thing they miss. Even if you don't currently possess this thing,you should do your best to acquire it then show it to people and they will admire you
  • If you don’t know what they lack
    : The first point leads us to the second point. What if you don’t know what those people lack? That's not really a problem, because statistically most people are not brave, not very self-confident and not strong. All you have to do is build up these qualities in yourself then market yourself to others.
  • Use the law of attraction
    : People are usually attracted to people who have similar interests to them. The more interests you have in common with other people the more people you will attract and the higher the possibility of being admired by them will become (see the law of attraction).
  • Success
     Success in any life field will probably let some people admire you since success is something that eludes many. You will also find some people becoming jealous of this success and you may make few enemies. But in the end you can't make people admire you without making some enemies along the way
  • Position yourself well in their minds
     What is the first thing that comes to someone’s mind when he hears your name? Will it be “respect” , “honesty”, “strength”, “will power” or will it be “loser”? Positioning yourself is simply identifying yourself with a certain image in the minds of others (read the full guide for positioning yourself in people's minds).
Don’t Lose Your IdentityOne very important thing you should take care of is not to lose your identity just to get accepted by others.Don’t do things that are against your own beliefs and values just to get admired by others, because if you do, even if you managed to get millions of fans you will never feel self-confident.

Career Development

A host of issues can act as potential stressors throughout one’s working life. Lack of job security; fear of job loss, obsolescence, or retirement; and numerous performance appraisal as all can create pressure and strain. In addition, the frustration of having reached a career ceiling, or having been over promoted, can induce extreme stress.

Job SecurityFor many workers, career progression is of overriding importance. By promotion, people not only earn more money but gain increased status and experience new challenges. In the early years at a job, striving and ability required to deal with a rapidly changing environment are usually rewarded by monetary and promotional rewards. At middle age, however, many people find their career progress slowed or stopped. Job opportunities may come fewer, available jobs can require longer to master, old knowledge may be obsolete, and energy levels can flag while younger competition is threatening. Fear demotion or obsolescence can be overpowering for those who believe they will suffer some erosion of status before retirement.

Job PerformanceThe process of being evaluated and appraised can be a stressful experience for all of us. It must be recognized that performance appraisals are anxiety proving, for both that individual being examined and the person doing the judging and appraising. The supervisor making performance judgments faces the threat of union grievance procedures in some cases, as well as interpersonal strains and the responsibility of making decisions affecting a subordinate’s livelihood. How an evaluation is carried out can affect the degree of anxiety experienced. For example, taking a written examination can be a short-term stressor, although continuous and confidential appraisals by supervisors may exert a more long-term effect depending on the structure and climate of the organization.